na větru
Náhody nejsou a každé místo má svou paměť i kontinuitu a tak H&D – duší svobodní umělci, zakoupili na konci roku 2016 dům s… -
house MOŠT
rabbit´s valley
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nad rokytkou
nad metlakem
mountain hut
This Hut is one of those places, which are difficult to leave. One just forgets the city rush, clears ones mind and just lies… -
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villa Kodymka
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pigeon´s house
blackberry house
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mountain shack
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modernist apartment revival
the doctor´s villa
winery mikrosvín dolní dunajovice
UM house
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goose place
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yedoo HQ
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Kubelikova apartment
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lantern house
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awaji house japan
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MOŠT house
homestead maneschowitz
“the best holiday” A1architects had taken part in private competition held by wide family. The task was to renovate an old homestead which was… -
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raspberry house
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nad metlákem
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onyx moon loft
We believe that every house, and every apartment deserves unique details, and special even very small places like niches for flowers just to enjoy… -
angelato bělohorská
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big little villa
the house There´s a little villa gently descending down the hill in Prague district called Troja. It seems as a little house from the… -
old hunter´s lodge
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house in the wind
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under the rock
alleyway house
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maxi cottage maxov
hillside house
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strudel house
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at the Nepomuk
house at the six cats
činžák novovysočanská
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house with glass workshop
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overhang house
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čihadla house
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house on the slope
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tailor made
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bedrich rozehnal exhibition
accentor and wagtail
house on the marsh
House on the marsh is a private lodge located in the mountainous district of Jizerske hory in northern Bohemia. It is a family retreat… -
iconic restaurant vrátnice kladno
pohořelec apartment
The flat is designed for long-term rental. It is situated on the second floor of an apartement building from the 19th century. The design… -
cyclemachine barn kolovraty
jirinkova house
mike pearls
A unique pearl shop to be opened in Prague Old Town near iconic shopping street Pařížská. idea Gracious height and length are the main… -
exhibition prague panel housing estates
For many people, the housing estates – extensive residential complexes – that were built most intensively from the 1960s until the 1980s symbolise the… -
cuba square, urban design, prague
new town apartment
mala svata
Moldavite apartment
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dream house šumava
the harmony of contrasts… The old house Two hundred years ago there was built a small and simple colony of houses called „Among Cottages“… -
galerie SPZ
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Ahóóóy house
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dům v oblacích
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behind the wall
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the crib
letiště žvahov
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three storey loft
angelato rytířská
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club-room house
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václav čtvrtek library, jičín
na pískách
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forest zoo dolní břežany
bad struharz
home for elderly
black teahouse
PLACE On the southern edge of garden The Black Teahouse reflects itself in water level of small dark lake. Large and exceptionally cultivated garden… -
VÍKend Iceland
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teahouse in the garden
The Garden At the foot of the hill dividing Hloubetin and Aloisov you’ll find a small garden. The garden is unostentatious, slightly wild but… -
waterworks apartment
municipal house in dobříš
mom´s blue ´n´ white kitchen
There´s no more beautiful while difficult work for architects than design for their own family. A1architects started the project of kitchen and dining room… -
zbraslav solar square
rejchrt baude
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wolf mountain house
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dobříš main square
hostomice tyrš square
the stable atelier
kubik´s lodge
vegetable market děčín
botas designblok 10
Presentation of legendary Botas 66 sneakers at Designblok10, Prague design week, was realized only for few days within limited budget. We designed a simple… -
municipal house in přezletice
atrium lofts
pavel janák, retrospectiove exhibition
litomyšl waterfront
inviting small house
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fairy tale house
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pod homolí
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secret room apartment
hat teahouse
“Hat” is the third tea house we have realised. It is a small house to gather with a cup of tea, a tiny haven… -
šašek´s farmhouse
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small elbe cabin
three colors – three rooms
teahouse and greenhouse
homestead Otryby
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green bird´s house
teamountain teashop
The shop called Tea Mountain, recently opened in Prague, brings a new experience how to enjoy the tea, next to contemporary style of serving… -
cinema bar aero
Kino Aero, the cinema and bar is one of the oldest movie clubs in Prague. Simple modernist building is originally part of an apartment… -
stone hillside house
under the plum tree
66 gallery
The historically first Botas Concept Store and 66 Gallery opened up in December 2009 in Prague, Czech Republic. The name of the 66 Gallery… -
new branch of česká spořitelna bank
czech gene bank
house beaver
small long house
piazzeta české spořitelny
white brook house
size is not fate, size is choice
“Small Houses“ are the result of our internal workshop, within which each of us designed several authentic houses. We decided to explore the theme… -
small house by the brook
in garden lane
garden living room
centre of interactive arts úhonice
birch loft
national style
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small house with great view
Small family house for a couple with two little girls is situated aprox 30km Southwest of Prague, Czech Republic. Located on the edge of… -
design help for heamatology 01
In spring 2011 Design Help association had realized new interior of main hall of inpatient department at at the heamatology pavilion. The realization was… -
papelote new czech stationery
The first papelote stationary shop opened up in June 2010 in Prague, Czech Republic. It is a new concept store of hand made stationary,… -
The small house
“Small Houses“ are the result of our internal workshop, within which each of us designed several authentic houses. We decided to explore the theme… -
d.vision dental clinic
New space for Dental Clinic D.VISION was opened after refurbishing ground floor at 19th century apartement house in Prague. Beyond the regular dental treatment… -
rounded loft
At the beginning of the year 2010 we had started designing grand attic loft in Prague. It was a new challenge for us to…